During July 2022, Nounou brand runs a retailer specific purchase-based contest using Instant win mechanism powered by Pockee Snap.
Brand promotes the contest through social media paid campaigns. Prospective participants could click on an action button to visit microsite, learn more about the contest’s mechanism, the prizes and take participate just by uploading their receipt!
Let’s take a deepest look at the contest run by Nounou using Pockee Snap service!
The background
Receipt recognition:
In order run an effective, zero-error and zero-fraud contest it is important to optimize OCR algorithm for the products participated. This process is being processed retailer by retailer to identify the way the brand’s products appears on each specific retailers’ receipts.
This process is step zero of every Instant Win project in order OCR algorithm become smarter day by day and campaign by campaign.
Error and communication management:
In case a consumer faces a problem during product recognition through OCR algorithm he/she had the ability to ask for an extra check, just by clicking an action button. After we checked the receipt, consumers were being informed through email that he/she had enter the sweepstake and could visit the microsite, play the selection game, and find out if he/she won one of the prizes. The most important during this step was to minimize validation time, to ensure consumer’s satisfaction and excitement.
The contest

Contest mechanism:
Menoumenounou project was a 6-week contest which combined smart and innovative practices relevant to a successful contest. Here are the key contest features:
· Retailer-specific
· Purchase-based
· Instant purchase validation by receipt upload (OCR purchase validation mechanism)
· Form with participants’ information (email)
· Instant win contest with 119 total prizes
· Quick and fun selection game while entering the sweepstake
· Contest draw at the end of contest for 1 grand prize
· Multiple participation ability
As a step-by-step process:
1. Prospective participants bought one or more nounou products from any MyMarket store
2. They visited the contest’s microsite, and they uploaded an image of their receipt
3. They enter their personal information and stated that they agree with the terms of the competition
4. They were asked to select one of the lucky hats and found out if they won any of the instant win prized
5. They were getting one participation for the contest draw
Combination of instant win and lottery:
Combining the logic of instant win contest with a sweepstake with lottery at the close of the contest was a great mechanism selection to keep consumers interested across the contest period and motivate repeated entries. Daily the prizes that were part of instant win campaign were given out, while all participants were entered into a draw for a grand prize at the end of the contest. Each receipt with Nounou products was a chance to win on the instant win sweepstake and a new participation to the big lottery.
The winners
Winners’ management:
During a 6-week instant win contest, it is important to invest on a reliable winner selection mechanism. For menumenounou project a random entry-based mechanism was selected to ensure the prizes will be distributed smoothly across the contest period while counting how many prizes were available. The winner selection mechanism could handle all entries being received, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Prizes distribution:
To simplify the process and ensure timely delivery, Pockee Snap was responsible for prizes distribution to winners at the close of the contest.
Thinking about running a contest for your brand? From microsite set up and receipt recognition mechanism, to winners’ s management, Pockee Snap is a smart choice while running a contest on FMCG factor. Contact us today!